28 dezembro 2009
16:51 | Postado por
Unknown |
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Duas novas oportunidades para trabalhar em multinacional do ramo de óleo e gás no Rio de Janeiro.
The area of responsibilities
The Senior Accountant is responsible for designated finance tasks. You will report to the Finance Manager for ensuring that the accounts are correct and kept in accordance with good accounting practices, laws
and regulations in Brazil and the procedures operated by Maersk FPSOs.
Among you tasks will be:
- preparation of monthly, half yearly and annual financial reports
- producing deviation reports and analysis
- ensuring that all tax refunds are filed in compliance with rules and regulations
- ensuring that all taxes and other duties are paid on time
- ensuring that all vouchers bear valid signatures and are correctly recorded
- managing authentication, review, approval and payment of invoices
- conducting cost control procedures in close cooperation with heads of departments
- assisting the Managers of the individual activities in establishing accounting and cost control procedures for special projects or operations
- operating the Petty Cash system
- actively producing proposals for improved methods and procedures within the area of responsibility and prepare ad hoc analysis
- managing invoicing including Client and Inter Company invoicing
- reconciliation of accounts
- taking care of cash flow forecast and outstanding invoice reports
Who are we looking for?
- preparation of monthly, half yearly and annual financial reports
- producing deviation reports and analysis
- ensuring that all tax refunds are filed in compliance with rules and regulations
- ensuring that all taxes and other duties are paid on time
- ensuring that all vouchers bear valid signatures and are correctly recorded
- managing authentication, review, approval and payment of invoices
- conducting cost control procedures in close cooperation with heads of departments
- assisting the Managers of the individual activities in establishing accounting and cost control procedures for special projects or operations
- operating the Petty Cash system
- actively producing proposals for improved methods and procedures within the area of responsibility and prepare ad hoc analysis
- managing invoicing including Client and Inter Company invoicing
- reconciliation of accounts
- taking care of cash flow forecast and outstanding invoice reports
Who are we looking for?
The ideal candidate has a University degree in ACCOUNTING, ECONOMICS OR FINANCE with register in CRC and has 5-8 years of accounting and preferably also offshore business experience. It is essential that you are fluent in ENGLISH AND PORTUGUESE, both verbal and written.
As a person you are a good communicator with great interpersonal skills. You are able to identify issues, requirements and opportunities for improvement. You thrive in a fast paste environment
and are open for challenges. In this job confidentiality will be required with respect to sensitive
financial and non financial information.
Among your responsibilities will be:
- purchasing of merchandises in the local market of efficient and economic form, fulfilling to the politics and procedures of the company as well as the contractual requirements
- assuring that all requisitions are evaluated and analyzed in a economic and commercial way, ensuring the best deal from a TCO perspective for the company and ensuring the purchases are according to specified requirements
- ensuring that requisitions are thoroughly compared with prices /quality from Europe and local Brazilian suppliers
- communication with the vessels and Technical organisation regarding status of orders, technical clarifications etc.
- verification of supplier invoices related to purchase orders, before passing them to financial department for payment as well as communicating with the suppliers regarding wrong invoices
- taking care of wrong deliveries including the needed corrective actions
- establishing local frame agreements of smaller scope
Who are we looking for?
You have a degree in ADMINISTRATION OR RELATED STUDIES and preferably also experience in purchases techniques as well as in negotiations.
You have knowledge of SUPPLY CHAIN and you are proficient in ENGLISH. You are able to work in RFMP purchase system and skilled in using personal computers.
Candidatos devem ter experiência prévia em empresas de óleo e gás e inglês fluente.
Interessados favor encaminhar cv em português E inglês para: phameister@swiftoilandgas.com
Visite também:
TECNOPEG, seu portal de conhecimento e carreira na Indústria de Petróleo.
PETRÓLEO E GÁS NETWORKING, a Rede Social do Estudante e Profissional da Indústria do Petróleo
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- Operador de Utilidades. 3rd Engineer
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Arquivo do blog
- ANALISTA DE DP(ênfase no offshore) com inglês
- RJ - Macaé - Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho
- Especilaista de Planejamento, Programação e Controle
- Mechanical Engineer (Machinery)
- Chefe de Máquinas
- Analista de Inventário
- Oportunidade em Consultoria
- Gerente de HSE
- Analista de Propostas
- Analista Técnico II - Macaé
- Programa de Estágio na Ipiranga
- Coordenador de Planejamento
- Vagas Abertas Onshore/Offshore
- Vagas na Maersk
- Vagas em FPSO e SS/Macaé
- Tecnólogo em Petróleo e Gás
- Técnico de Automação Industrial Pleno
- Engenheiro de Automação Industrial Pleno
- Gerente Financeiro
- Gerente de Manutenção ( Rio ou Macaé)
- Engenheiro de Operações/ Manutenção Offshore (FPSO)
- Analista Administrativo de Ouvidoria
- Rádio Operador - 6 vagas (URGENTE)
- Engenheiro Mecânico - Terceirizado Petrobrás
- Oportunidades da Swift Oil and Gás
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